Defence Bank is a financial institution in Australia. It was established in 1975 with the aim to serve financial needs of the country’s Defence Force.
Currently, the bank also offering a broad range of banking products and services to individuals.
Business data
- Members: 90,000
- Total assets: $1.5 billion
- Branches: 40
Head office location
- Level 5, 31 Queen St
Melbourne VIC 3000 - Mailing address:
PO Box 14537
Melbourne VIC 8001
Bank contacts
- Contact centre: 1800 033 139, Monday – Friday, 8:00am – 8:00pm AEST
- Phone banking: 1300 366 808 or 03 8624 5808
- BSB: 803-205
Bank locations:
Bank office on the map
Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia